Monday, 21 November 2016

Sausage Meatballs

Day 6 and the penultimate day in British Sausage Week.......

I've been researching and blogging sausage recipes all week and have tried all the ones I have posted (and I might add I've enjoyed them, they will all be done again) which means I have had sausages every day this week!!!

This is one of my recipes....I haven't done a formal recipe but rather a description of what I did....basically because when I do meatballs and tomato sauce I often do it differently. I add different things depending on how I feel. This is just one portion and has 7sp.

My sausage meatballs are a permanent feature in my freezer....I always have them in is my home made roasted tomato sauce. I've put my method of making both the meatballs and the tomato sauce at the bottom so you can follow it if you want to.

To make this dish I sprayed a frying pan with spray oil and brought it up to a medium heat, I chucked in a tablespoon of chopped red onion and let it soften down for a few minutes. Then I added my meatballs and turned them in the pan to make sure they browned all over. Then I added my tomato sauce, a tablespoon of Worcestershire Sauce and some salt and black pepper. I let it simmer away for about 10-15 minutes to allow the meatballs to cook through. Meanwhile I microwaved my veg noodles (tonight was a mix of Courgette and Butternut squash) and put together a little salad of leaves, cherry tomatoes, red onion and basil leaves. To serve it I just chucked the noodles on a plate and arranged the meatballs and sauce on top. I grated some parmesan over and popped my little salad on the side with some WW balsamic glaze drizzled over.

To make my meatballs I skin a pack of Heck chicken sausages and mix them with a chopped onion and a slice or two of Weight Watchers Malted Bread which I've blizted into breadcrumbs. I then make 15 portions and roll them into meatballs....when I'm freezing them I put them on a tray lined with parchment paper and put them into the freezer, when they've frozen I separate them in to 3 portions of 5, label the bags and put them straight back into the freezer.

To make my tomato sauce I skin a shed load of tomatoes and cut out that little woody stalk thing, then I put them all on a baking tray and drizzle balsamic glaze (or vinegar if I have no glaze) over, sprinkle with salt, pepper and herbs (usually Italien herbs, but maybe oregano and thyme if I have no Italien), I then roast them for 35-40 mins on 200deg until they have dried out a bit and condensed their flavour. When they are done I whizz them up in my food processor and then dicvide them into 1 portion pots and freeze.


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