Friday, 13 January 2017

Smoked Cod with Chilli and Ginger

I was tootling about Tesco yesterday and saw this smoked cod on the fish I got myself a portion (190g). When I got it home I thought "What should I do with this?"....had a rummage around in the fridge and came up with this.

I had a piece of ginger and some fresh chilli left over from the Prawn Curry I did last week, so I took a lemon and zested it, squeezed the juice into a bowl, added the chilli (grated) and the lemon zest, spread it over the cod, topped it with the sliced chill and wrapped it in foil. It was baked in a moderate oven (160 fan) for 15 mins. I served it with butternut squash chips and "Creamed Leeks" and a spritz of fresh lemon juice to finish it off.

Pretty good for 3sp

Lets stay strong guys

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