Sunday, 14 February 2021

Lemon Curd




Hi guys....I can't believe I haven't written this up on here before now!!! We were chatting about it on the  FB page run by my WW coach and when I went to look for the recipe it wasn't here!! I'll have to remedy that today....

I can't claim credit for came from the lovely Janey at Slice of Slim (Original recipe Here)....the recipe calls for the juice of 1/2 lemon but to be honest I like my lemon curd zingy so I add the juice of a whole lemon....I'm also considering trying it with the zest as well....when I do I'll update this and let you know how it turned out...Janey recommends making it with lime, tangerine or grapefruit
2 Medium Eggs - yolks only
1/2 Lemon - juice only
1 tbsp Canderel Calorie Free Sweetener
3 tbsp Water

Simply place all the ingredients into a bowl.

Place the bowl on top of a pan of simmering water on the hob. Make sure that the bowl is heat proof and is big enough to sit on top of the pan so that the bottom of the bowl does not touch the hot water below.
Whisk gently with a hand whisk, constantly until it thickens. This takes 5-10 minutes. It's really important to cook it by this slow method as you don't want to end up with scrambled eggs!
You will end up with a beautifully smooth, glossy mixture with a consistency similar to mayonnaise. At this point you might want to taste as you may wish to add a little more lemon juice or sweetener according to your personal taste.
At this stage you can sieve the lemon curd. In the past when I have made this I haven't seived but because I was doing this post today I decided to seive and see what the results were like. I can tell you that it isn't essential but I liked the texture so will be doing it every time I make it in future.

Decant it carefully into a suitable container. Allow to cool, then chill in the fridge.

So that's it....


Lets stay strong guys

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